"For plants to grow, seeds have to whither and die."
Throughout the history of humankind, REVOLUTION (a drastic and inevitable force to change) always characterized itself with an element of harsh transformation, of sacrifice, ...of dying. I sincerely believe that the technology revolution in education demands from us - teachers - the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE - "dying to ourself".
I, without a doubt, accept that for technology integration to be successful it requires for us to painfully undergo a paradigm shift, to courageously modify our approach to education outside our "comfort zones", and to humbly accept our nothingness when learning the immense reality that is technology.
When I was listening to Steve Hargadon's interview with Michael Russell , I felt his wariness in assessing the success of technology integration in education. He talked about the successes of technology in business. He believes that education needs to follow the business model in order to achieve considerable impact to effective teaching and adequate learning.
Where is technology revolution in education?
However, if success had not been that forthcoming, I think there is more to than what meets the eye. It is not mainly the issue of money, of internet accessibility, or of inadequate training. I believe it lies in not taking sacrifices. There are still many who cannot let go of their pencil and paper strategy (why complicate things with technology). There are those who fear change (why fix if it is not broken). There are those who are selfish of their time (school time is just from 8am to 4pm - learning technology eats up my personal time). There are those who do not want added responsibilities (life is in itself demanding - I do not want anymore aggravation, I am OK in my comfort zone). For when there is sincere commitment, any challenges will easily be surmounted.
Hence, technology integration in education will grow. Technology Revolution in education will find its completion overtime.
There will be teachers who will unselfishly take up the challenge. There will be generous and humble teachers. There will be teachers who continually update themselves. There will be teachers who will give up their precious personal time for the benefit of their students. There will be teachers who are not afraid of change and who are willing to leave their comfort zones. There will be teachers who, like seeds, are ready to "whither and die"... who are ready to give the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE.
PodCast: Michael Russell

Throughout the history of humankind, REVOLUTION (a drastic and inevitable force to change) always characterized itself with an element of harsh transformation, of sacrifice, ...of dying. I sincerely believe that the technology revolution in education demands from us - teachers - the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE - "dying to ourself".
I, without a doubt, accept that for technology integration to be successful it requires for us to painfully undergo a paradigm shift, to courageously modify our approach to education outside our "comfort zones", and to humbly accept our nothingness when learning the immense reality that is technology.
When I was listening to Steve Hargadon's interview with Michael Russell , I felt his wariness in assessing the success of technology integration in education. He talked about the successes of technology in business. He believes that education needs to follow the business model in order to achieve considerable impact to effective teaching and adequate learning.
Where is technology revolution in education?
However, if success had not been that forthcoming, I think there is more to than what meets the eye. It is not mainly the issue of money, of internet accessibility, or of inadequate training. I believe it lies in not taking sacrifices. There are still many who cannot let go of their pencil and paper strategy (why complicate things with technology). There are those who fear change (why fix if it is not broken). There are those who are selfish of their time (school time is just from 8am to 4pm - learning technology eats up my personal time). There are those who do not want added responsibilities (life is in itself demanding - I do not want anymore aggravation, I am OK in my comfort zone). For when there is sincere commitment, any challenges will easily be surmounted.
Hence, technology integration in education will grow. Technology Revolution in education will find its completion overtime.
There will be teachers who will unselfishly take up the challenge. There will be generous and humble teachers. There will be teachers who continually update themselves. There will be teachers who will give up their precious personal time for the benefit of their students. There will be teachers who are not afraid of change and who are willing to leave their comfort zones. There will be teachers who, like seeds, are ready to "whither and die"... who are ready to give the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE.
Image Source: http://www.coffeeresearch.org/Pictures/nursery2.jpg
PodCast: Michael Russell