Monday, June 25, 2007



"For plants to grow, seeds have to whither and die."

Throughout the history of humankind, REVOLUTION (a drastic and inevitable force to change) always characterized itself with an element of harsh transformation, of sacrifice, ...of dying. I sincerely believe that the technology revolution in education demands from us - teachers - the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE - "dying to ourself".

I, without a doubt, accept that for technology integration to be successful it requires for us to painfully undergo a paradigm shift, to courageously modify our approach to education outside our "comfort zones", and to humbly accept our nothingness when learning the immense reality that is technology.

When I was listening to Steve Hargadon's interview with Michael Russell , I felt his wariness in assessing the success of technology integration in education. He talked about the successes of technology in business. He believes that education needs to follow the business model in order to achieve considerable impact to effective teaching and adequate learning.

Where is technology revolution in education?

However, if success had not been that forthcoming, I think there is more to than what meets the eye. It is not mainly the issue of money, of internet accessibility, or of inadequate training. I believe it lies in not taking sacrifices. There are still many who cannot let go of their pencil and paper strategy (why complicate things with technology). There are those who fear change (why fix if it is
not broken). There are those who are selfish of their time (school time is just from 8am to 4pm - learning technology eats up my personal time). There are those who do not want added responsibilities (life is in itself demanding - I do not want anymore aggravation, I am OK in my comfort zone). For when there is sincere commitment, any challenges will easily be surmounted.

Hence, technology integration in education will grow. Technology Revolution in education will find its completion overtime.

There will be teachers who will unselfishly take up the challenge. There will be generous and humble teachers. There will be teachers who continually update themselves. There will be teachers who will give up their precious personal time for the benefit of their students. There will be teachers who are not afraid of change and who are willing to leave their comfort zones. There will be teachers who, like seeds, are ready to "whither and die"... who are ready to give the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE.


Image Source:

PodCast: Michael Russell



At the end of the lesson, the SWBAT will be aware of and will show a positive response to improve the condition of the land biomes of Guam.
  1. Students will show the current condition of the land biomes of Guam using Google Earth.
  2. Students will assess the condition through their observation of the latest picture of the island.
  3. Students will mark specific places that needs immediate attention using Google Earth.
  4. Students will draw a plan how to reach to these places and how to improve these by planting new trees.
  5. Students will create campaign posters with Google Earth images that aims to involve others to SAVE GUAM'S FOREST.

The teacher will explain to the students the importance of forests. Then, the teacher will challenge the students to study the geography of Guam and analyze the current situation of Guam's forest using the aerial view from Google Earth.
The teacher will explain their project to use Google Earth to produce images that they can place in their posters which will be used in their campaign to "SAVE GUAM'S FORESTS!".

The students need to acknowledge the benefits and importance of forests. They will assess the conditions of the forests of Guam using Google Earth. From the latest aerial view that they will get, they will create boundaries and other markings to show the condition of these Guam biomes. They will use these images for their posters to highlight their message to SAVE GUAM'S FOREST.

Saved Jpeg image from Google Earth by Norman



OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, SWBAT to understand the different land biomes.
  1. Students will differentiate the 6 major land biomes using Wikipedia.
  2. Students will show example of places where these different biomes can be found using Google Earth.
  3. Students will create a tour presentation of places in a Geo-narrative format using Google Earth.
  4. Students will present the Land Biomes tour as evidence of their understanding of the different major land biomes.


At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will demonstrate to the students how to use Wikipedia in enhancing their understanding of the 6 different biomes as presented in their Science textbook. The teacher will lead the students to list names of the different places where each of these biomes can be found. These names of places will then be used as search descriptors for the places to be place marked in Google Earth as contents of their tour presentation.
Morever, the teacher will explain how to create a Geo-Narrative which is the format that students will follow in their output activity.

Students will need to read their textbooks that presents the major forms of Land Biomes. They will go to the Wikipedia site to further research the adequate description of each of the biomes. They need to get specific names of places in which these biomes exist. Then, they will use Google Pages to search and placemark these places in order to create a Geo-narrative tour of the major Land Biomes of the earth.

Saved Jpeg Image using Google Earth by Norman

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


To be a successful 21st Century Learner, one has just to mimic the ant!

Ants, aside from being hardworking, are also known as great adaptive creatures and as quick anticipator. We would instantly know that rainy season is just about to come as we see those long ant lines. We see them frantically storing their food in preparation for the wet season.

In the podcast interview with Steve Hargadon, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach talked about the 21st Century Learner. She shared valuable insights about preparing students to be successful in today's demanding society. Among those that she said, I was impressed in the words ADAPTIVE EXPERT. These words remind me of the ANTS.

I believe that today's students have to follow the way ants work. These creatures work hard to store up food in anticipation for the harsh season. Students need to study and to learn as many technology skills as possible for their future is harsh and demanding. To guarantee a stable work and a good salary, they have to be ready and to be the best. This technology skill is not about just the SOFTWARE and HARDWARE knowledge. These can change anytime. It is about the resilient attitude of knowing how to learn. Ants know how to find any kind of food from any kind of place. Students must have that template of the learning process made according to their capabilities and talents. Ants find food using what they have - their chemical scent and their sense of smell.

Therefore, Adaptive Expert is one who knows how to learn. It is one who learns for survival and for success. It is one who responds to the demands of the times. It is about giving oneself an indispensable value. It is not being passive, but always actively reinventing oneself. It is about always being ready.

It is the way of the ant!

Image Source:


Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach 21st Century Learning

Monday, June 18, 2007



At the end of the lesson, SWBAT explore the cell structure of an Elodea leaf and compare it to other plant cells.
  1. Students will be able to see a sample image of the cell structure of an elodea leaf.
  2. Students will be able to describe the basic structure of a plant cell.
  3. Students will upload other plant cell photo. They will annotate this photo that will show the same basic cell structure as the Elodea.


Using Flickr, I will upload my cell image and add notes to show the basic cell characteristic of plants.

The annotated image of this cell structure will be shown to the students using the multi-media projector. The annotations will be displayed and explained.

I will create a Flickr group for the class to enable photo sharing.

Through their Flickr account, students will upload another plant cell image. They will annotate this image to show the basic cell structure common to plant cells akin to the Elodea.

Students will then share their photo to the class Flickr group.



At the end of the lesson, SWBAT know the advantages and disadvantages of the Brock and Biological Microscope.
  1. Students will see an image of the 2 commonly used microscopes in school (Brock and Biological) which will show their parts.
  2. Students will learn the different parts of each microscope and their uses.
  3. Students will show their annotated pictures that will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of microscopes.

Using Flickr, I will upload 2 images that will effectively show the basic parts of these microscopes. Then, I will annotate the basic parts on these images.

The annotated pictures will be shown during our discussion on the use of microscopes.

I will create a Flickr group for the class to enable the photo sharing.

Through their Flickr account, they will upload photos of a Brock and Biological Microscopes (with proper citations). They will annotate these images with notes that shows the advantages and disadvantages of each microscope.

They then will share their annotated photos to the class Flickr group.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


MY FIRST MIX: The Incredible Iron Surfer is a FREE audio-video mixing, editing, and uploading website. This site first started in 2005 as an answer to a call for straight-forward, user-friendly video editing tool. This site, though it has more issues to resolve and to improve, lives up to the need of so many users who just need the bare necessities for video editing and mixing.

I read through some articles about EyeSpot. As they aroused my curiosity, I went to the site and did a quick sign up for my account. As I am already have a fair knowledge in iMovie and Windows Movie Maker, I easily created my first mix. The resources I have were taken from the available videos and music in the site. I was interested in making a video mix from the Surfing and Iron Man clips. EyeSpot led me to indulge in my imagination. I was lost in time and had spent almost 2 hours in making my theme pleasing to my "cinematic" expectations. After so many remixes, I was contented with what I made... THE INCREDIBLE IRON SURFER (ooopps, sounds like the current movie theme of the Fantastic 4). Well, I was satisfied with the output. Indeed, I say EyeSpot squeezed my creative juices. What a good way to spend an idle summer schedule...and least to say, it was FREE.

I encountered some hurdles especially in embedding my video mix into my blogger account. I did what is the SOP (copy/paste Embedding URL into the Edit Html). But it did not resulted as I wanted until I return to do it after couple of hours. There is a Permalink Code that I can copy. This will lead me to where my video mix is. This tool is very handy if I need to hyperlink my video mixes from just a TEXT DISPLAY.
There is a cool option to download your mix in either MAC, PC, IPOD, PSP, & DIVX formats. This is great because it opens up a lot of uses either educational or personal.
Overall, this site is for entry-level video editors. It requires to have a faster internet access - DSL or CABLE. And it does not contain all the bells and whistles as with a professional video editing software such as a Final Cut Studio 2 for Mac or a Avid Liquid 7.0 for Windows/Mac. But as it offers simplicity, ease, and realiability, I can see a good use for this to engage students in their learning. With adequate education in media elements and their innate cinematic creativity, they can create endless school video projects.
EyeSpot, in the future, will surely offer us added tools to make video mixing and editing more amazing and exciting.

PS: More power to the EyeSpot team!